You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy ‘local’ and that’s kind of the same thing

and that’s kind of the same thing”
Speaking of members, our membership is now at 94; with a push we’re doing over the next two weeks we are looking to pass 100 members. The bandwagon isn’t full, so pass the word and this e-mail to other business owners and let’s keep the momentum going. You can also download our membership packet here:
Facebook: Join the 984 people in the Rogue Valley that already follow us on Facebook. Like us right here and help us get over 1,000!!
Next Chamber General Meeting: Monday December 3rd at the Ashpole Center. Lunch host, Butte Creek Mill, guest speaker Mayor Bob Russell on the State of the City.
Essential Home Décor: The store has been transformed into a ‘Winter Wonderland’ the themed Christmas trees are a must see along with several unique and one of a kind ornaments to add to your Christmas ornament collection.
Heaven Scent Flowers and Gifts: They are making Christmas centerpieces and have a wonderful assortment of fresh flowers Long stem Roses, Lily’s, Gerbera Daisy, Bells of Ireland, Snap dragons and Fragrant Stock. The plants are Plentiful!!
Stocking Stuffer: How about Gift Cards from Rogue River Lodge, YUMM! The Family Gift Card from Eagle Point Golf Club. The Butcher Shop, Wal-Mart, and you should ask at any Chamber business you walk into if they sell gift cards or gift certificates.
Visit Randy and the folks at Valley Feed and Pet for muck boots, winter clothing and gifts for our four legged friends.
Who wouldn’t enjoy a gift basket from Bob and Debbie at the Butte Creek Mill! Not only take care of your Rogue Valley family, but for your family that doesn’t live here, the mill will not only wrap but send your package for you. With easy multi-shipping features on their website, one click and you can send to all over the US.
Agate Ridge Vineyard and Crater Lake Cellars celebrate the holidays and cheer in the New Year with some of Southern Oregon’s finest wines. Cakery Kisses will sweeten anyone’s holiday season.
For the person who loves to read, swing by the Bookmark in downtown you’ll be sure to bring pleasure to the reader on your list. For the do-it-yourselfer and gardener you can’t go wrong shopping at Big R or Shady Cove Eagle Point Hardware.
The Grange Co-op Gift Page: A nice gift page can be found on the Grange Co-op website with lots of great deals that you can find right here: Grange Co-op
This weekend Arts, Crafts and Wine Tasting Saturday and Sunday December 1st and 2nd at the Brookside Inn and Suites. Upper Rogue Artists and Wineries (Agate Ridge & Crater Lake Cellars) we hope you mark your calendar to support this event. For more information check out their website here.
HOLIDAY BAZAAR: Saturday December 1st 10-4:00pm at the Upper Rogue Community Center Crafts, booths with civic organization and even Martial Arts demo. For reserving your booth space call the URCC at: 541-878-2702.
5th Annual Children’s Christmas Party: Sponsored by the Shady Cove Fire Department and its Support Group 2:00 to 4:00 pm Shady Cove School Gym. Last year over 300 children attended! Mr. & Mrs. Claus will return to greet all the children again this year . . . Children are invited to have their pictures taken with Mr. & Mrs. Claus FREE! Every child receives gifts … including decorated cookies, and tree seedlings. FOLLOWING the Children’s Party, the City of Shady Cove will hold their annual Tree Lighting All ages are invited to enjoy music, caroling and the lighting of the tree located adjacent to the city’s parking lot for more information call 541-878-3025 or
Eagle Point Grange Annual Bazaar: Saturday December 1st from 9a-3p. Cost with table from the grange $15, bring your own table $10. For more information Call Anna Brookings 541-826-2183.
Eagle Point Senior Center: December 1st 8a – 2p storewide sale, with quilters on hand with beautiful handmade items.
Christmas Tree Lighting: The Eagle Point Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony by the Eagle Point Community Association has been announced for December 7th at 7 pm. Stuffed animals are needed for the festivities at the Ashpole Center! Any clean, soft, gently used animals will be gratefully accepted. And you can contact Bunny Lincoln at 541-944-2446.
Murder is on the menu: December 1st murder is on the menu in Prospect as the Historic Prospect Hotel and Inn will be dialing M for murder. You are one of the characters. You could be the victim! Or the MURDERER!!!!!!!!!!!! The BEST WAY is to ‘Play and Stay’ at the Hotel! CALL NOW for Reservations 541-560-3664.
Eagle Point Women’s Club: Their Christmas luncheon will be held Wednesday December 12th at the Rogue Valley Country Club. The price for the luncheon is $21 and deadlines for reservations are December 3rd. The Eagle Point High School Women’s Jazz Choir will be performing under the direction of Terri Steinhorst. Visit their website for more information about this event and all the wonderful contributions the Eagle Point Women’s club make to our community!
Old Fashioned Christmas: Old Fashioned Christmas presented by the Woodhouse Preservation Group. Enjoy a vintage Christmas atmosphere! Open House on Saturday, December 22nd from 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Tours and refreshments! A limited amount of toys will be given out to the kiddies so come early! Free Christmas cookies baked on the Wood House kitchen stove. Free admission, however donations to the Wood House are appreciated.
Check out our calendar for other upcoming Just click here
Have a favorite place: Did we miss your favorite place to shop in the valley? Tell us about it so we can mention them next time. E-mail us at:
If your business or group is having an event or something going on, please post it on our event’s calendar here.
Questions, comments, suggestions… e-mail
Think local and support our Chamber Members. Shopping local is a habit that we could all benefit from!