Chamber Members > Attorneys
Hornecker Cowling LLP
Hornecker Cowling LLP is a large law firm in Medford OR with vast experience in a diverse array of legal areas. We have a strong commitment to you and your needs and take pride in our ability to provide prompt and cost-effective legal services in the Rogue Valley area. Hornecker Cowling provides a high degree of specialization, diversity, and local focus.
The size of our firm allows our lawyers to focus on specific areas of practice and to become proficient in those fields while maintaining a personal touch. Our attorneys and staff assist and represent clients in all fields of law, including: Adoption and family law Corporations, partnerships and tax planning Land use, real estate, and contracts. Employment, labor, disputes, and personal injury, wills, estate planning, and probate, divorce, elder law and litigation bankruptcy, and creditor medical and professional malpractice.