Thank you for your interest in our Adopt-a-Hydrant Campaign.
We invite you to join in on the FUN.
There are roughly 50 hydrants left for adoption.
For $75 dollars you can adopt your fire hydrant.
A walking map of the hydrants will be created and distributed by the Eagle Point Upper Rogue Chamber as well as Harnsih Visitors Center once all the hydrants have been adopted. Each hydrant will have the name of the business/person that adopted the hydrant.
A prize will be given out to the best designed hydrant in July.
Please click on the links below for information, rules, application and eligible maps.
EPUR Chamber_application Adopt-A-Hydrant
On the Hydrant map below you will see the green highlighted business streets as the maps and areas that are eligible.
Click on the Map link below it will take you to the map of hydrants. Pink dots will signify the remaining hydrants for adoption.