Butterflies and Moths


Release Date: March 6, 2013

Contact: Shady Cove Branch Library, 541-878-2270

Butterflies and Moths

Children of all ages are invited to enjoy “Butterflies and Moths,” presented by John Jackson of Bugs R Us, on Wednesday, March 20, from 5 – 6 p.m., at the Shady Cove Branch Library, 22477 Highway 62.

Explore the most beautiful of the insects as you interact with some of the BIGGEST and most spectacular preserved specimens on Earth! See examples of some very rare butterflies and moths from around the world as you learn about their lifecycles and the important part these insects play in the environment. Participants will receive handouts detailing differences between butterflies and moths, and butterfly stickers.

Sponsored by the Friends of the Shady Cove Library. For more information, please contact the Shady Cove Branch Library, 541-878-2270 or visit www.jcls.org.