D9 Scholarship Dessert


D9 Scholarship Dessert will be Thursday, December 1, 2011
7-9 p.m at the Eagle Point High School.
This event is a fundraiser for our high school seniors.
All community members are invited to reserve a table and bring
a dessert, invite some friends and listen to Jason Garcia,
former 1990 graduate and currently Director of Music
at Grants High School. His band was invited to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade Day in 2011.

  • Location: Eagle Point High School Platt St., Eagle Point, Oregon 97524
  • Directions: Turn onto Linn Rd at the Walmart stop light into town. Take Linn Road, turn left onto
    Buchanan for one block, then right onto Main St. Turn left on to Platt which ends at the
    High School.
  • Reservations/Registration: Reservations to reserve a table may be made by calling
    Maxine Williams @830-7665
    Mary Scheffler @ 826-9518
  • Cost: $0
  • Event Website:
  • Contact Phone Number: (541)830-5637
  • Contact Email: nancyhanon@hotmail.com