Eagle Point Women’s Club Luncheon

The Eagle Point Women’s Club next luncheon is Wednesday October 17th. Doors open at 10am. This luncheon will feature our popular Member’s Market. Members who wish to reserve a table to sell at the market for only $10 are to call Lenita Blake 541 826-6778.
To attend the luncheon, send your $21 luncheon check to EPWC, PO Box 1013, EP 97524 by October 8th. All Eagle Point Women are welcome to join and membership is only $20 a year. Check online at epwomensclub.org for more information and a membership form or call VP/Membership Ida Tolmie 541 826-7723 for questions. Interested persons may attend any activity or a luncheon one time as a guest before becoming a member.
- Location: Rogue Valley Country Club 2660 Hillcrest Rd., Medford, Oregon
- Directions:
- Reservations/Registration: To attend the luncheon, send your $21 luncheon check to EPWC, PO Box 1013, EP 97524 by October 8th
- Cost: $21
- Event Website: http://www.epwomensclub.org/
- Organization: Eagle Point Women’s Club
- Contact Phone Number: Lenita Blake (541)826-6778
- Contact Email: