Harnish Volunteer Training

Would you like to be a volunteer this summer? Be an ambassador to the Upper Rogue. Have a knack of being a Tour Guide…Here’s you chance to be all of that!
Training for the Harnish Way Visitor volunteers will take place Tuesday, April 16 from 12 noon to 1 PM. Tips on greeting visitors, area brochure information and a tour of the Visitor Center itself will be featured.
New and existing volunteers are encouraged to attend. Harnish volunteers will serve beginning May 1-September 30, Mon-Wed in two shifts, 10-1 and 1-4PM
Call Renate or Richard Gyuro for information 541-821-8071
A light lunch will be served.
- Location: Harnsih Wayside Park Highway 62 and South Royal Avenue / Nick Young Road, Eagle Point , Oregon 97524
- Directions:
- Reservations/Registration:
- Cost: $
- Event Website: https://eaglepointchamber.org/
- Organization: Eagle Point Upper Rogue Chamber
- Contact Phone Number: (541)821-8071
- Contact Email: renategyuro@gmail.com