Shady Cove Fire Dept. Breakfast

“Shady Cove Volunteers and Fire Fighters will be cooking up some pancakes,
sausage,scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy and coffee for our 3rd Annual
Pancake Breakfast October 13 from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Cost $6 adults, children 3 and over $4, children under 3 FREE. All proceeds
will be used for the annual Children’s Christmas Party to be held Dec. 1
benefiting the children of the Upper Rogue. (Jodi’s note – the Material
Girls of Shady Cove – quilt group – assist at this childrens party every
year and say it is a really fun event for the kids and for the volunteers
Volunteers are unpaid, not because they are worthless, but because they are
- Location: 21200 HWY 62 , Shady Cove, Oregon
- Cost: $6.00 Adults $4.00 children 3 and over.
- Event Website:
- Organization: Shady Cove Fire Dept.