Tie Days Picker Run

Saturday, August 25th
an Antique Event
* Music: Purple Heart Band
Live Concert: 3:30 – 7:00 pm
Concert Tickets on Sale NOW! Adults $5 Kids $4
* Antique/Art Vendor Faire ~ 9am to 7pm
*Barbecue by Jeffro’s
*Wine & Beer Tent ~ Hellgate Cellars
* Antique Auction! Noon ’till everything’s GONE!
PICKER RUN dates: August 4 – August 25
Picker Run Winner receives $500 Chainsaw Carved Salmon!
Get your player Card * Map * and Card Punched
at participating Antique – Gift Shop
Shady Cove: Chickadee Gifts & Garden * Books & More * Bargains on the Rogue
The Stop * The Blue Heron Gift Shop
Eagle Point: Butte Creek Mill * The Wood House
Lake Creek: Lake Creek General Store & Ice Cream Parlor
Prospect: Prospect Hotel & Dinner House * The Country Store
Grants Pass: Old Town Antiques
Gold Hill: Apple Rose Cottage
Medford: Glory Days * Acme Garage * Morrow’s * Oregon Curiosity * Our Stuff
Canyonville: LaRue’s * B & C Antiques * Something Bazaar
5 PUNCHES – Anywhere = 1 Entry
1 PUNCH per Town = 3 Entries
All Stops – 5 Entries
for Event Information and complete list of Participating AntiqueGift Shops
541-821-2120 OR 541- 878-2084
- Location: Shady Kate’s 21584 Oregon 62 , Shady Cove, Oregon 97539
- Directions:
- Reservations/Registration:
- Cost: $5.00
- Event Website: http://www.tiedayspickerrun.com
- Organization: Paradux Media Group
- Contact Phone Number: (541)821-2120
- Contact Email: design@katecrowstoninteriors.com