Eagle Point Women’s Club February 20th Luncheon

Our next Luncheon, Wednesday February 20th will feature Eagle Point Mayor Bob Russell. Bob will bring us up to date on last years’ events along with his hopes for the coming year. Bring your questions and ideas with you. Doors open at 10 am for socializing. Business meeting will begin at 10:30am and our program will start around 11am. Lunch will be buffet, starting around 11:45am. If interested in attending, please call Maxine Williams 541 830-7665.
- Location: Rogue Valley Country Club 2660 Hillcrest Rd, Medford, Oregon
- Directions:
- Reservations/Registration: • Reservations/Registration: To attend the luncheon, send your check to EPWC, PO Box 1013, EP 97524 by October 8th
- Cost: $21.00
- Event Website:
- Organization: Eagle Point Women’s Club
- Contact Phone Number: (541)830-7665
- Contact Email: www.eaglepointwormensclub@gmail.com