Lake Creek Historical Society Potluck Dinner


Picture2The Lake Creek Historical Society presents:
“Schools of Jackson County 1850’s-1920’s” by Alice Mullaly.
Alice has done other presentations for our dinners and does extensive research for her topics. Her presentations always relate something new for everyone.
Please plan to attend, bring your favorite dish to share, and prepare to learn a great deal about Jackson County Schools from the 1850’s to the 1920’s.

Donations accepted

  • Location: Pioneer Hall, Lake Creek 1739 South Fork Little Butte Creek Rd., Eagle Point, Oregon 97524
  • Directions: Take Hwy 140 12.5 miles east to Lake Creek Turnoff. Proceed two miles to the Pioneer Hall on the left. It’s across the street from the Lake Creek General Store.
  • Reservations/Registration: N/A
  • Cost: $0
  • Event Website:
  • Organization: Lake Creek Historical Society
  • Contact Phone Number: (541)826-1513
  • Contact Email: